2024.08.06 12:53

WeChat and TikTok are also going to be subject to the Apple tax? Targeting the mini-games and short video ecosystem

Apple is reportedly considering imposing an "Apple tax" on WeChat and TikTok. Recently, according to foreign media reports, Apple is increasing pressure on Tencent and ByteDance, demanding the two companies to help block payment loopholes in WeChat and TikTok. It is understood that developers can use similar loopholes to bypass the Apple ecosystem, diverting users to external payment systems to avoid the usual 30% commission charged by Apple. Industry insiders revealed to reporters that Apple's pressure on Tencent and ByteDance is largely aimed at the booming small game market. As for TikTok, Apple's target is not only small games, but also the popular short video business in recent years, which has been a major area for avoiding the "Apple tax"