China Finance Online
2024.08.08 06:29
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

FSD has accumulated over 1.6 billion miles of driving, once again surpassing the safety of ordinary vehicles by 10 times

Tesla released its second-quarter 2024 driving safety report, showing that the Autopilot automatic driving assistance system once again exceeded the safety of ordinary vehicles by 10 times. The report stated that Tesla vehicles without the Autopilot function had one traffic accident per 1.45 million miles driven, while Tesla vehicles with the Autopilot function had one traffic accident per 6.88 million miles driven. This means that in the second quarter, Tesla's Autopilot automatic driving assistance function improved driving safety by 10.3 times compared to regular driving

Tesla's official website released the second-quarter 2024 driving safety report, showing that the Autopilot automatic driving assistance system once again exceeded Tesla's previous goal of being "10 times safer than regular driving"! The report, based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Tesla's own statistics, indicates that in the second quarter of 2024 in the United States, under normal driving conditions, a vehicle is expected to have 1 traffic accident for every approximately 670,000 miles (about 1.08 million kilometers) traveled; Tesla vehicles without Autopilot activated have 1 traffic accident for every 1.45 million miles (about 2.33 million kilometers) traveled, while Tesla vehicles with Autopilot activated have 1 traffic accident for every 6.88 million miles (about 11.07 million kilometers) traveled. This means that in the second quarter, Tesla's Autopilot system made driving safety 10.3 times higher than regular driving