2024.09.05 22:31

Reminder: Please pay special attention today (all times are in Beijing time)

① 14:00 Germany's industrial output and import/export data for July; ② 17:00 Eurozone's final GDP for the second quarter; ③ 20:30 US August non-farm payroll report (including employment figures, unemployment rate, average hourly wages), Canada's August employment report; ④ 20:45 New York Fed President (a permanent voting member of the FOMC, known as the "third in command" at the Federal Reserve) Williams speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); ⑤ 23:00 Federal Reserve Board Governor Waller speaks at Notre Dame on economic outlook; ⑥ On Saturday, the commerce departments of China and the United States will hold a working meeting in Tianjin;