大行速睇 | Netflix 目标价获大幅上调!小鹏、比亚迪被视为行业首选Hang Seng Index rose for the third consecutive day, closing up 1%. Technology stocks performed strongly, with BILIBILI-W rising 6% and Keep gaining 0.28% on its first day of listing.前瞻 | 三个月跌了 12% 的腾讯,为何二季度或有出色表现?Dark Market | Jay Chou concept stock "Superstar Legend" soars 30%!阿里的下一站US Stock 2Q Earnings Focus: Is AI the Next Internet or a Fleeting Phenomenon like the Metaverse? Market Will Keep a Close Eye on These Financial ReportsARM 成 “香饽饽”!报道:英伟达或为其 IPO 主要投资人前瞻 | 美股财报季杀回来了!市场眼中的银行股:下半年,值得买!奈飞受华尔街热捧 分析师:这可不是什么好事!5 years, $2 billion! KPMG signs a major deal with Microsoft, the accounting firm is going All In AI商务部等 13 部门研究制定《全面推进城市一刻钟便民生活圈建设三年行动计划 (2023-2025)》抖音生活服务组织架构调整Tesla's Next Cash Cow Business: Supercharging Network“木头姐” 近一年来首次减持 Coinbase,今年上涨逾 150%创始人尹铭回忆相互宝始末:从未赚过一分钱,蚂蚁为关停付出近 50 亿Jiaxin Wealth Management: The S&P 500 index is already at a high level, so it is advisable to invest in some A-share and Hong Kong stock ETF products.OpenAI 部分高管跳槽到谷歌 或因对 ChatGPT 开发计划及 CEO 不满比尔盖茨:AI 风险可控,历史已经证明Nvidia is in talks to be an anchor investor in Arm IPO - FT人民币的阶段性弱势可能接近尾声Exclusive-SoftBank considering U.S. listing for PayPay payments business- sourcesFor the past two years, China's Internet industry has made its debut on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange! "The leading stock in sports technology," Keep, experienced a significant surge on its first day of trading.Nio reportedly delays mass production plans for in-house developed batteries淘宝夏日清凉版今晚上线美股 “散户抱团股” 狂潮,再次来袭!标普 500 指数危险了?Morgan Stanley: Tonight's US CPI, more likely to be "low" in directionClient coverage includes major Wall Street banks and tech giants! AI startup Alphasense valued at $2.5 billion.新加坡股市 10 日报:胜科海事股价上涨,成交量狂飙苹果 Vision Pro 来了,回顾科技四巨头的研发与 XR 行业的兴衰沉浮港股中概再现狂飙:B 站领衔大涨 7%,快手、小鹏汽车涨超 4%,阿里涨 2%因流媒体用户快速流失,迪士尼旗下印度公司或面临出售NASDAQ Composite Index experienced its first-ever "special adjustment," what happened?New Stock First Day | KEEP Debuts on the Market, Opens High at 4.77% in Early Trading国家发改委:腾讯、美团等平台企业正加大技术创新投入力度 | 国家发展改革委会同相关部门,深入调研了解平台企业发展情况,梳理了一批典型投资案例。技术创新是企业突破发展瓶颈,提升竞争力的重要途径。为提升企业核心竞争力,平台企GPT-4 最强竞争模型 Claude2 发布!免费!具有更强的代码能力与更长的上下文!亿万富翁和企业高管上半年抛售 90 亿美元股票,散户仍在奋勇入场美团 App 首页上线直播固定入口,本地实体门店为直播主力供给JPMorgan Chase: Don't bet on June CPI continuing to soar, there is an 80% probability that the data will be lower than expected.Temasek Reports Worst 7-Year Return Rate, Says China Still Offers Investment Opportunities美联储 7 月加息 25 个基点的概率为 92.4%涉嫌非法采集用户数据训练 AI,谷歌面临隐私侵权诉讼散户抱团股火热,标普 500 指数或在不久后下跌Nuclear fission company Oklo is going public! Backed by Altman, co-founder of OpenAI.