The large model consumes a lot of water? Microsoft's water usage soars by 34%!中国央行:金融管理部门有能力、有信心、有条件保持人民币汇率基本稳定中国央行:人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上保持基本稳定具有坚实基础Buy more H100 cards, Meta will train a new model in early next year, with capabilities comparable to GPT4.Fat-burning fever over AI! The unstoppable rise of the "dynamic duo" of weight loss drugsTesting the "temperature" of US tech IPOs, "American Meituan" Instacart will kick off its roadshow this week, with an estimated market value of "knee-cutting".腾讯云副总裁胡利明:大模型在金融领域正分场景落地 大模型对金融行业来说是革命性的变革阿里,彻底告别 “张勇时代”新加坡股市 8 日报:凯德雅诗阁信托成交暴增郭明錤:今年苹果不太可能发布 M3 芯片 MacBook Air 和 Pro俄气公司:壳牌退出后 “萨哈林 2 号” 维护工作不存在风险,已提高该项目 LNG 产能Why is the market so disappointed with the US banking industry when it has been given a "red light" by rating agencies?The US August CPI is about to be released. Huaxing Capital: CPI data may increase market volatility. It is recommended to focus on defensive measures in the US stock market.Hong Kong Stock Market | Hong Kong Property Stocks Plunge Across the Board, HSBC Plans to Raise H Share Lock-up Interest Rate, Hong Kong Property Market May Face Further Challenges* 高盛:阿里高管变动或令市场感惊讶 投资者将关注新任管理团队讲解最新组织战略及各分拆计划恒指低开 1.43%,恒生科技指数跌 2.3%"New Fed News Agency": Fed's stance "significantly shifting," may pause rate hikes in September中金:传统思维或低估潜在增长美国与越南关系提升至全面战略伙伴,宣布达成半导体合作摩根士丹利将特斯拉上调至增持美国白宫:越南航空和波音将签署数十亿美元协议,购买 50 架 737 MAX 飞机郭明錤:仍须谨慎看待近期 AI 服务器供应链的股价US stocks "fully bullish" a fantasy? Bears "target" small-cap stocks and make a whopping $13 billion profit.海口已实施 “认房不认贷”?官方答复:正在准备巴克莱银行在制定裁员计划,或裁撤数百人工作岗位 -- 消息“全球南方” 团结力压分歧,G20 峰会联合宣言令西方 “意外”美国国家飓风中心:热带风暴 “玛戈特” 可能在 11 日升级为飓风米哈游接不了腾讯的班Meta is developing a new, more powerful AI system - WSJ独家 - 消息人士称,软银旗下 Arm 公司的首次公开募股定价将在区间顶部或以上阿里巴巴管理职务交接完成,张勇卸任阿里云董事长与 CEO蔡崇信、吴泳铭正式履新董事长、CEO,张勇荣获 “功勋阿里人”NetEase-S will distribute a dividend of $0.105 per share for the second quarter on September 19th."Last Samurai" Surrendering? Bank of Japan Governor Hints at Possible End to Negative Interest RatesThe scale and outlook of the relaxation of purchase restrictions负利率结束开始倒计时Russia and Saudi Arabia have joined forces to cut production, but demand has far exceeded expectations. Since July, oil prices have risen by 20%.利率的顶在哪里?威马汽车:自愿终止与 Apollo 出行在港交所的 RTO 进程