Hong Kong Stock Market Update | Bitcoin briefly surpasses $52,000, OSL Group opens more than 10% higher, SINOHOPE TECH opens nearly 7% higher.港股数字货币概念股大涨 OLS 集团涨超 10%Bitcoin breaks through $51,000 to become the world's tenth most valuable assetOn the day after a sharp decline, the US stock market rebounded. NVIDIA reached a new all-time high and surpassed Alphabet-C in market value. Chinese concept stocks outperformed the market for the second time this week, and Bitcoin surged to $52,000.Berkshire Hathaway reduces its holdings in Apple in the fourth quarter and increases its holdings in energy stocks. "Mysterious new positions" emerge again.Alibaba, the "Big Short" increased its position to become the top heavy-weighted stock, and Canada's largest pension fund also entered the market.Zuckerberg's Vision Pro is here! Quest 3 is better and offers better value for money.加密货币市场普涨 比特币市值重返 1 万亿美元US Stock Market Update | Bitcoin-related stocks surge as Coinbase rises over 12%标普高开 0.5%,部分地抹除美国 CPI 发布日的跌幅AI determines the outcome? Microsoft's Azure cloud is "quickly catching up" to Amazon's AWS in terms of scale.美股 “七姐妹” 够牛吗?认识下更猛的欧股 “八巨头”After surpassing Amazon, NVIDIA's market value is just a step away from Alphabet-C. Huang Renxun promotes "National AI".Elon Musk Invited Chinese Suppliers To Mexico To Replicate Local Supply Chain At Tesla's Shanghai Plant - Bloomberg News加密总市值重回 2 万亿美元上方Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week High and Low Statistics | February 14th美国 1 月通胀数据超预期扰乱多数市场 但比特币除外美股暴跌,光伏首当其冲!TCL 中环还有一个 21 亿的雷?AI applications that are less popular than expected?老牌 PE 巨头们,今年准备大干一场After-hours trading of Robinhood surged more than 10% as its Q4 revenue and profit exceeded expectations.响应 “地产白名单”,四大行陆续晒进度表Less than two weeks after its official release, there has been a surge in searches for "Return Apple Vision Pro"!比特币涨势在美 CPI 报告后停滞Before a bank in the United States collapsed, its CEO was involved in a "Ponzi scheme" and embezzled $47.1 million by withdrawing $21 million from FHLB.HBM industry chain, exploded!Arm,能救软银?硅谷再掀加密货币投资热潮?传 Founders Fund 豪投 2 亿美元押注比特币和以太坊Tripled in three days! Arm is being speculated as the "second Nvidia"?外资出手!紧盯这天,或有异动今年电商巨头还要拼低价Chip stocks pause before CPI, SPDR S&P 500 bids farewell to record highs, NVIDIA still hits new highs, Chinese concept stocks start the Year of the Dragon with a bangA $26 billion mega acquisition is coming! The world's third-largest oil and gas giant is about to emerge.NVIDIA's market value surpasses Amazon, the first time in the past 20 years.Arm's stock price surged again, with a single-day increase of 42%! Analysts: AI frenzy driving the growthETF 复兴推动比特币站上 5 万美元美国三大股指微幅低开,标普暂时守住 5000 点,中概指数涨 1%美股盘前消息速递ETF Giant: US Oil Stocks and Chip Stocks are "Equally Good", but No One CaresETF 上市吸引资金涌入 比特币有望迎一年来最长连涨记录Statistics on Chinese Automakers' Electric Vehicles Going Global