NVIDIA stated that the increased restrictions on chip exports by the US will harm its competitiveness. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded.阿里巴巴旗下南亚电商平台 Daraz 宣布裁员What's the signal? As the stock price hits a new high, American executives collectively cash out at high levels.Hong Kong stock market anomaly | Bitcoin concept stocks show strength as Bitcoin price breaks through $57,000. Bitcoin spot ETF was previously approved in the United States.After-hours trading | Chaotic dance of demons, blockchain concept stocks continue to soar.中国硬科技霸场 MWC!小米 SU7 出征,华为搞大事,AI 炸了芯片窝下一个 OpenAI 来了?Mistral 超大杯模型直逼 GPT-4,93 年创始人 6 人公司被微软认领Are Retail Stocks Set-up for Further Gains?财报前夕,这只 “英伟达概念股” 再涨 50%,二月至今股价已翻三倍Is pure electric the breakthrough point for Li Auto? | Insights from Aito堪萨斯联储主席:警惕通胀走高,不着急降息狂吸金!新现货 ETF 日交易量创新高,比特币升破 5.7 万美元阿里旗下多家公司高管变动After setbacks in the Sci-Tech Innovation Board, they are now gearing up for an IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange: How likely is PegBio's bold bet on GLP-1 to succeed?Microstrategy 又买逾 3000 枚比特币,总持仓接近百亿美元比特币突破 57,000 美元,大买家蜂拥而至花旗:上调理想汽车目标价至 220.3 港元 维持 “买入” 评级小米 14 Ultra 系列正式开售Hong Kong Stock Market Update: BOYAA continues to rise by over 11% for the fourth consecutive trading day, with a significant increase of 45%. It is expected that the annual net profit attributable to shareholders will increase by approximately 75% to 85%.长债的死空头开始爆仓了?韩国股市为何没有 “失去的二十年”?Daily Tesla Report (February 26th)微软发布《人工智能访问原则》,将为全球 AI 开发者提供支持NVIDIA Daily Report (February 26th): Market value surpasses Russia's GDP.三星展示旗下首款智能戒指 Galaxy Ring:瞄准 “环境感知” 未来比特币站上 55000 美元* 交银国际降理想-W 目标价至 192.8 元 上季利润远超预期Too good to be true! The co-founder of MicroStrategy further increased his holdings by over 3,000 bitcoins, with the latest position nearing nearly $10 billion.Hong Kong Stock Market News | OSL Group soared more than 13% in early trading, with the bullish Fundstrat making an aggressive prediction that Bitcoin will surge to $150,000 by the end of the year.香港金管局:2 月 26 日跨境理财通 2.0 版本生效,期望完善落实美商务部长:美国目标到 2030 年生产全球近 20% 尖端逻辑芯片中金:维持理想汽车-W“跑赢行业” 评级 目标价 230 港元理想汽车高开近 15% 首次实现全年盈利The "Seven Sisters" saw five companies decline, with NVIDIA barely closing higher. Is the tech sector losing its momentum?Micron Technology officially announced the mass production of HBM3E, which will be used in NVIDIA's H200, leading to a 4% increase in stock price.早餐 | 中概股指四连涨虚拟货币概念股大涨,理想汽车今年挑战年交付 80 万辆The S&P and Dow Jones fell from record highs, NVIDIA continued to hit historic highs, Chinese concept stocks outperformed the market, and LI AUTO surged nearly 20% after the earnings report.比特币一度升破 54800 美元,创两年多最高As Walmart's stock reaches a new high, the Walton family joins the ranks of internal personnel selling off US stocks.Bitcoin price breaks through $54,000, reaching the highest level in over two years.美国国父大变黑人!谷歌 AI 人物成像新功能 “离大谱”,拟下线几周,股价盘中跌超 4%The next star stock in the weight-loss drug market? A Danish pharmaceutical company's new drug successfully passed Phase II clinical trials, causing its stock price to surge by 36%.