U.S. Stock Market Update | Chinese concept stocks rise against the market trend, ZTO Express surges more than 6%U.S. Stock Market News | Gaotu Techedu Surges Over 4.6%, Citigroup Maintains its "Buy" RatingU.S. Stock Market News | New Oriental rose more than 7%, Northeast Securities maintains its "buy" rating for itUBS: Now expects the Fed to cut rates by 100 basis points this yearTEMU 闯关东南亚Cadillac sounds the alarmU.S. Stock Market News | Reports of Mars planning to acquire Kellanova, causing the latter's stock price to rise by over 14%A sharp drop validates bearish predictions, with the risk of economic recession becoming a "stumbling block" for the US stock marketPanic selling may actually be the best long-term opportunity? Wedbush: Now is not the time for panic, the tech stock wave may still continueFederal Reserve officials: Measures will be taken to repair the economy if it deterioratesChicago Fed President: The Federal Reserve will respond to signs of economic weakness外盘头条:美联储抛出 “定心丸” 不会过度反应 谷歌败诉默认搜索引擎案 CrowdStrike 称不对达美航空延误负责First time in two years! 2-year/10-year US Treasury yield curve turns positive, market bets on the Fed cutting rates by nearly 120 basis points this yearPre-market plunge of 12%! NVIDIA exposed to new chip delay, Wall Street analysts remain calmFederal Reserve's Quarles: Economic growth remains fairly stable, the Federal Reserve will not overreactFirst rate cut still selling? Bank of America: After years of stimulus, the economy has become "numb," and the market underestimates the magnitude of future stimulus neededHow will the Japanese stock market move after a sharp decline? Analysts' perspectivesAnalyst: The yield curve inversion signals that the real arrival of an economic recession is imminentThe Federal Reserve is trying to "fight the ghosts"8 月 5 日美股成交额前 20:谷歌在反垄断诉讼中败诉Japanese stocks plummet: Is it the ebb or a breather?Should the Federal Reserve cut interest rates urgently to save the stock market? Analyst: The US is not in a recession yet, emergency rate cuts would be a mistakeUS Stock Market Outlook | Three major stock index futures fall together, panic index soaring, global stock markets face "Black Monday"JPMorgan Chase: Market rotation from technology stocks to other sectors has been basically completed, and the opportunity to buy US stocks on dips is approaching周一热门中概股涨跌不一 新东方涨 8.9%,蔚来跌 4%News: Intel reportedly receives packaging orders from NvidiaChina Resources Related's billion-dollar traditional Chinese medicine team can no longer be hidden"The Tokyo Rules" Show Power Again: Bank of Japan Raises Interest Rates, Global Markets in TroubleThe explosive moment of the Japanese Yen Carry Trade美股开启过山车模式!Jay Woods:请系好安全带!未来两月波动性将显著上升US stocks keep exploding with "ghost stories", is there no bottom line for the sell-off?For the first time in eight years, a net short position in commodities! What did the hedge funds sniff out?Northbound Funds | Northbound Funds' net buying reached 1.388 billion, market concerns about interest rate cuts affecting net interest margins, domestic selling of HSBC Holdings exceeded 600 million Hong Kong dollarsGlobal stock markets experience "Black Monday"! European and American stock markets plummet, with the Japanese stock market plunging by 13%The Federal Reserve's policy mistakes may cause the United States to lose its economic exceptionalism!Global stock markets, why did they crash?BOCHK: Market adjusting interest rate cut expectations, expected Hang Seng Index to stabilize and rise after reaching the 16,000 levelThe peso depreciates, the yen and the renminbi soar, global arbitrage trading faces a "major collapse"!Barclays lowers Apple's target price to $186Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (08.05) | Hang Seng Index fell by 1.46%, the market continues to be under pressure, while gaming stocks and Hong Kong property stocks rose against the trendStifel lowers Amazon's target price to $224 USDUS stocks face 3 major tests again this week! Volatility expected to continueJapanese stocks plummeted, UBS: Buying now is like catching a "falling knife"!Has the US stock market AI trading ended? Chip stocks "cooled down", while utility stocks did not!Berkshire Hathaway drastically reduced its holdings, causing Apple and its suppliers' stock prices to plummet together收评:恒指跌 1.46% 恒生科指跌 1.36% 石油股、苹果概念股跌幅居前JPMorgan Chase: NVIDIA GB200 production capacity may slow down in the second half of 2024, expected to significantly expand in 2025It's Buffett who "ignites" the Japanese stock market!Analyst: Why might the Federal Reserve be forced to cut interest rates urgently?