新加坡 7 月私人住宅销售环比暴增 5 倍,创一年多新高马斯克:今晚笼中决斗,我开特斯拉去小扎家,敢开门就直播穆迪称中国今年底将成为全球最大汽车出口国掏出 “36+6” 亿 “救了” 许家印!“中东土豪” 纽顿是谁?半导体 “寒气” 比预期更久国家统计局:相关部门正积极谋划实施促进经济回升向好的储备政策统计局:7 月份 CPI 同比下降很大可能性是短期现象外媒:富士康母公司预计 iPhone 及其他手机今年销量都将下滑统计局:居民住房消费和房企投资意愿有望逐步改善平静之下暗潮汹涌!末日期权交易量飙升至创纪录水平美国发布针对电动汽车充电站的网络安全准则草案香港交易所和银行据悉研究提振股票和衍生品市场交易的途径BlackRock's "brother" in the same industry, funds are once again "losing" in wealth management!* China's urban survey unemployment rate in July was 5.3%, slightly higher than the market expectation of 5.2%."Tiger Global sells technology stocks against the market trend! Tiger Global reduces holdings of technology giants 'AAMG' in Q2, while establishing positions in Gilead Sciences and Novo Nordisk."新加坡股市 14 日报:金龙鱼母公司丰益国际股价暴跌,成交狂飙“降息”!中国央行续作 MLF,利率下调 15BP二季度对冲基金大幅加仓大型科技股,但抛售英特尔Behind the sharp rise of NVIDIA: Morgan Stanley recommends buying the dip, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates compete for GPUs.Ferrari's largest shareholder has acquired a 15% stake in Philips, whose stock price has plummeted by 60% in the past two years.Berkshire Hathaway added real estate stocks to its portfolio in the second quarter, once again increased its holdings in Western Petroleum, and significantly reduced its holdings in Activision Blizzard and General Motors.The Federal Reserve: Short-term inflation expectations of US consumers hit a new low since 2021.US hedge funds dumped shares in Chinese companies in Q2JD-SWR denies couple's immigration to the United States.碧桂园探路债务重组Lei Jun finally "crushed" Huawei.光伏龙头们用疯狂扩产寻求 “安全感” | 见智研究消息人士透露央行将大力支持消费金融公司、汽车金融公司等发行金融债券 着力促进消费和扩大内需恒大汽车:获得 NWTN 集团首笔 5 亿美元战略投资,将投入恒大汽车天津工厂拼学分、谈创业、小米转向高端路,雷军回顾几次关键成长据新浪报价,离岸人民币兑美元日内跌超 300 点,创去年 11 月以来新低,现报 7.2895。雷军:小米全面拥抱大模型,小爱同学已升级大模型,今日开启邀请测试Preparing for winter? According to reports, Musk will not invest in building factories in the next year and a half.雷军:三年多时间上百亿投入,小米终于突破高端雷军:高端是小米发展的必由之路 更是生死之战三季度产能或受限,理想汽车的增长故事还能讲多久?特斯拉:已在中国建立数据中心,所有中国大陆市场车辆数据存储在境内Hang Seng Index hit a bottom and rebounded, closing down 1.58%. Net buying from the southbound market amounted to HKD 8.844 billion, with COUNTRY GARDEN falling more than 18%.碧桂园首只境内债展期方案:“16 碧地 05” 拟本金展期三年,多个项目股权质押增信评级下调只是开始?美国财政危机正悄然酝酿Food and energy prices are rising! Is global inflation making a comeback?印尼高官:马斯克决定未来一年半内推迟特斯拉在全球范围投资