比特币站上 48000 美元/枚US Stock Market Update | Bitcoin-related stocks continue to rise, Marathon Digital up over 9%加密货币股票上涨美股三大指数开盘全线上涨,美国 CPI 修正值符合预期BABA-SWR has sounded the horn of counterattack.比特币日内大涨 5.00%香港证监会和警方告诫公众提防 MEXC 的涉嫌虚拟资产相关欺诈行为Shipping giant plummets: "Red sea price hike" is only temporary, "surge in capacity" is the reality赛道 Hyper | Vision Pro 折射库克隐忧?Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (02.09) | Hang Seng Index hits bottom and rebounds, closing down 0.83%. Positive news stimulates the rise of education stocks, while shipping stocks and domestic real estate stocks lead the decline.OpenAI Altman's Ambition: Raising $7 trillion to Target the "Chip Pain Point" of AI!Temu and Shein "touch the soul", Amazon "has to change"Hong Kong Stock Market News | OSL Group rises nearly 10% against the market trend, the company participates in the pilot issuance of investment-grade convertible token by UBS Group AG in Hong Kong.Hong Kong stocks opened lower, with the Hang Seng Index falling more than 1%. Alibaba opened nearly 3% lower, while New Oriental EDU & Tech opened 6% higher.CPI may undergo major revisions, the momentum of the US stock market is diminishing, SPDR S&P 500 narrowly hits a new all-time high, Arm surges nearly 50% after earnings report, and crude oil rises over 3%.Deteriorating demand for luxury goods, Gucci's parent company Kering reports weak sales in the fourth quarterReport: Saudi Arabia plans to appoint Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and other firms to handle the issuance of Saudi Aramco stocks, potentially raising $20 billion in funds.US Stock Market Update | Bitcoin-related stocks surge, Marathon Digital up over 10%比特币突破 45000 美元/枚Alphabet-C Bard officially changes its name! Also announces the launch of "the most powerful model ever" Ultra 1.0申万宏源:年内通胀最低点或已出现财报季传利好 欧股大盘上涨 美国主要股指期货走低Vision Fund's investment earns big profits, SoftBank achieves quarterly profit for the first time in a year.超九成飘红,银行成开年唯一逆势上涨板块七姐妹,也曾是微盘股Pre-market US stocks | BABA-SWR, JD down, PDD rises against the trend!In the midst of the storm, New York Community Bancorp: downgraded to junk status by Moody's, appoints a new chairman of the board.Error tolerance = Lifeline, making investments safer诺奖经济学家称 AI 将取代 STEM 专业工作!Altman:人类无需工作,我给发钱又一款图像 AI 应用爆火,团队仅两人,单月吸引 40 万用户The chill in the lithium battery market spreads to second-tier manufacturers | Insight ResearchRating Quick Look | BABA-SWR's target price significantly lowered after performance! "Buy" for TENCENT, SMIC also faces "price cut"Arm's performance far exceeded expectations, with its stock soaring 40% after hours. "Almost every smartphone has Arm technology."Hot Discussion on WSB | ARM Soars 40% at One Point, AI is Red HotUS Stock Options | Tesla "Returns to the Throne"! Snap, Roblox, TSMC Trading SoarsVision Pro 全球首拆第二弹!54 倍像素塞进 iPhone 15 Pro,分辨率效果惊人Earnings Report Eve Expectations Filled! Goldman Sachs also Upgrades NVIDIA: Despite the significant increase, the dynamic valuation is still below 25!New product will "change everything"? OpenAI is developing two Agent software in-house.The stock king with the highest increase will be announced, will the American version of Huabei, Affirm, continue to soar?“木头姐” 继续唱多特斯拉:预计两年内推出机器人出租车服务Polestar Automotive UK's luxury dream is still far awayLi Auto is following Huawei's lead by giving out year-end bonuses.吴泳铭掌管阿里云的首个季度:利润比收入更重要阿里巴巴 Q3 电话会聊了这些!The SPDR S&P 500 is just a stone's throw away from the 5000 mark, with technology leading the way! But what if the "Big Tech Sisters" collapse?Understanding the Market | Hong Kong Stock Market Liquidity Risk Bottomed Out! But Why "Still Need to Wait"?药明系集体下跌,美参院版《生物安全法》提案共同发起议员数恢复至 6 名