Elon Musk criticizes Warren Buffett for holding a huge amount of cash: The Federal Reserve needs to cut interest ratesIntel plunges, QDII funds "startled", divergence in US stock strategies intensifies英伟达回应新款 AI 芯片延迟传闻:样品试用已开始,产能有望下半年增加英伟达被调查杨德龙:巴菲特二季度大幅减持 50%苹果持仓,美股见顶信号更加强烈 | 立方大家谈Amazon: Views on Consumer Sentiment and AI Investment PaceAI investment accelarates, users now more thrifty, is Amazon going to "retire" again?"Recession trading" is here! | Overseas major asset weekly reportDojo - Musk's High-Stakes Bet on "Autonomous Driving"Is the big shot "bearish"? "Stock god" aggressively cuts heavy positions, "bond king" warns against bottom fishingFu Peng: A systematic review of the "chicken dinner shrinkage" in the US stock market in recent years美股罕见暴跌!“七巨头” 市值近一月蒸发 12 万亿元The delayed launch of the new AI chip, how much impact does this have on NVIDIA?Tesla names its Texas supercomputing cluster "Cortex," equipped with 100,000 NVIDIA chipsMeta is reportedly in talks with Hollywood movie stars for an AI voice project, offering hundreds of millions of dollars to obtain authorizationShocking! Berkshire Hathaway's Apple holdings "halved", what did Buffett see?Apple apologizes after an advertisement shot in Thailand sparks dissatisfaction among Thai netizensMorgan Stanley: Tencent is a "safe haven with a catalyst"What did Buffett see in the 'clearance-style sell-off' of Bank of America?iPhone、微信/抖音二选一你选谁!为了 30% 苹果税 苹果威胁拒绝更新微信抖音Omdia:2024 年 Q2 全球智能手机出货 2.9 亿台、同比增长 9.3%,三星、苹果、小米前三2024Q2 全球平板出货量持续攀升 苹果领跑、小米增速第一NVIDIA is in the eye of the storm! "AI Battle of Faith": Wall Street repeatedly shorting, Silicon Valley resolutely burning money狂卖苹果!巴菲特最新持仓曝光Federal Reserve Chairman Powell: US economic conditions are good, job market remains a key issueWill the non-farm payrolls report lead to a 50 basis point interest rate cut?Dangdang.com founder Li Guoqing talks about the battle with Amazon: They originally wanted to acquire us, but ended up withdrawing from China意外!巴菲特,狂卖苹果近 4 亿股,持股腰斩!Rare! Report: NVIDIA's latest AI chip delayed due to design flawsThe worst drop in fifty years, what can Intel rely on to turn things around?"Black Friday"! Global stock markets collapse in succession, VIX and US Treasury bonds "turn the tables"BMW accelerates the development of electric vehiclesIs the United States facing an "employment cliff"?The US dollar takes a big dive! Weak job data, market bets on the Fed to cut rates significantlyWall Street's top hedge fund Elliott: Artificial intelligence is being overhyped, NVIDIA is in a bubble罕见!英伟达 AI 芯片量产前延期出货!还遭遇反垄断调查,股价 “雪上加霜”:17 个交易日跌去 20%The market focuses on more aggressive rate cut calls, and US mortgage rates are rapidly decliningWall Street major banks expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates twice this year to address the cooling labor marketOvernight US Stocks | Three major indices fell this week, with the Nasdaq falling into a pullback zone and Amazon dropping by 8.78%Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRK., BRK.Q2 financial report to be released soon, cash reserves may exceed $200 billionGoldman Sachs exposes "Smart Money" shift: Hedge funds selling North American stocks, buying Chinese stocksGoogle, Microsoft, Amazon financial reports consecutively "failed", Wall Street doesn't believe in investing heavily in AI will bring returnsNon-farm payrolls trigger recession panic, US stocks plummet again, VIX surges 60% at one point, US Treasury bonds rise for seven consecutive sessions, RMB soars more than a thousand pointsGold prices rose on Non-Farm Payrolls day and then fell back, still up more than 2.3% this week with support from expectations of a Fed rate cutMarket participants: If the Federal Reserve significantly cuts interest rates, it may trigger panic非农数据爆冷,英特尔领衔美股暴跌!华尔街恐慌指数创去年 3 月以来新高Observers refute Wall Street's view: the Fed will not agree to a 50 basis point rate cutCryptocurrency veteran joins Harris' campaign teamAfter a disappointing employment report, Federal Reserve officials speak out: Will not overreact to a single monthly report